
What the Hell Happened to Work During the Pandemic?

In our January + February 2022 cover story, we attempted to answer a simple question: What the hell happened to labor since the pandemic began? It wasn’t one thing. But this package—through series of worker stories as told in their own voices, interviews with experts, and dissections of media narratives—attempts to make sense of the moment. Below, you’ll find a series of stories that help make sense of what we’ve taken to calling the Big Quit.

Workers Got Fed Up. Bosses Got Scared. This Is How the Big Quit Happened.

Guillem Casasús

​​I Was a Comcast Employee. I Had Enough When I Was Told to Upsell Internet to Low-Income People.

Kelsey Dake

I Was an Amazon Staffer. I Had Enough When My Wife Was Dying and I Was Told to Perform or Quit.

The Project Twins


I Was an Overworked Covid Nurse. I Had Enough When My Boss Told Me the Only Snack in the Room Was Him.

The Project Twins

I Was an Instacart Shopper. I Had Enough When Someone Gave Me a 1-Star Review for Too-Ripe Bananas.

Kelsey Dake

The Pandemic Has Been Hard for Women Workers. A Labor Economist Breaks it Down for Us.

Mother Jones illustration; Getty

Working in the Service Industry Always Sucked. During a Pandemic, It’s Unbearable.

Illustrations by Tomi Um

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