
Health Care Workers: What Policy Changes Has Your Employer Made Since Roe v. Wade Was Overturned?

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Republican-led states quickly implemented severe abortion restrictions and outright bans. This left hospitals, pharmacies, medical practices, and other health care providers scrambling to interpret the new laws and communicate policy changes to employees. Already, we’ve seen reports of OB-GYNs hesitating to terminate unviable pregnancies that are endangering the health of a pregnant person because the fetus still has a heartbeat, and of pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for non-pregnant women of childbearing age because the medication could cause miscarriages.

If you are a health care professional working in a state that has enacted new anti-abortion laws, we want to hear from you about how your employer has changed its policies to comply with these measures. Ideally, we would like to see the emails, memoranda, and other internal documents conveying these new directives, so we can better report on the implications of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision. Contact us at scoop at motherjones.com or, to communicate via secure Protonmail (you’ll need a free account for yourself), email mother_jones_mag at protonmail.com. Use the subject line: “Abortion policies.”

Tips can be published anonymously. Mother Jones may reach out to you to help verify the submissions, but will redact identifying information from materials we publish at your request. In order to protect yourself, please refrain from using work email addresses or devices to send us the information.

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