
A Photo Tour of Donald Trump’s Incredibly Bad, Shitshow Week

Even against the backdrop of Donald Trump’s historically bad weeks—which over the years have earned labels ranging from trainwrecks driven off cliffs to “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad”—this week manages to outdo itself.

On Monday, the FBI searched Trump’s Palm Beach residence, Mar-a-Lago. Then, Trump’s longstanding efforts to shield his tax returns looked shaky after the DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the House Ways and Means Committee had the right to access the closely guarded documents. Today, Trump appeared for a deposition before the New York attorney general’s office, which has been investigating his business practices. (He pleaded the Fifth, of course.) That’s three consecutive days from hell.

Of course, it’s only Wednesday, so the potential for more mess before the week closes feels unusually high. Let’s take a beat and see how Trump’s latest troubles are unfolding in photos:

Beep, beep. Super innocent man coming through. 

Greetings to the town that absolutely hates me.

Pleading the Fifth.

The scene outside Mar-a-Lago.

Superfans gather to greet their beleaguered leader.

Working it.

I don’t have photos of the search warrant that could explain a helluva lot and squash all the conspiratorial pontification going on; Trump presumably has a copy but hasn’t made it public. But if I did, I’d put that here. 

All photos courtesy of the fine folks at the Associated Press.


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