
The White House Just Approved $200 Million Worth of Weapons for Ukraine

The White House approved a new round of $200 million worth of arms and equipment for Ukraine, administration officials said on Saturday. The move comes as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has asked for international support against the Russian invasion, and just one day after Russia said it could target western weapons supplies being delivered to Ukraine.

The new supplies include Javelin antitank missiles and Stinger antiaircraft missiles, administration officials told media outlets. The support brings the total worth of US weapons sent to Ukraine since January 2021 to $1.2 billion, and $3.2 billion since 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea.

Russians have so far not attacked US weapons shipments but threatened on Friday to do so.

“We warned the United States that the orchestrated pumping of weapons from a number of countries is not just a dangerous move, it is a move that turns these convoys into legitimate targets,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Russian state TV, according to Al-Jazeera.

Ryabkov said that Russia had warned “about the consequences of the thoughtless transfer to Ukraine of weapons like man-portable air defense systems, anti-tank missile systems and so on.”

Zelenskyy has called for western powers to help set up a no-fly zone—a request that NATO countries have rejected out of concern that it would be seen as escalation against Russia. The United States has also declined to send other types of military aid, including Polish warplanes, citing similar concerns.

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