
America’s Water Woes

Water is life. It’s also big business. In our November + December 2023 issue, Mother Jones dives into the West’s deepening water crisis—and the forces behind it, from historic drought to short-sighted policies to corrupt lawmakers and the special interests they serve. 

Why Is the Colorado River Running Dry?

It’s not just drought. It’s putting sacred cows above farmers, cities, and a secure future.

A Cowboy Entrepreneur Dreams of a Massive Water Pipeline Over the Rockies

If completed, it could be “the largest privately funded water project in Western history.”

The Race to Save the Great Salt Lake

Scientists warn that the lake could soon disappear. Can Utah’s notoriously climate-denying lawmakers act in time?

The Colorado Provides Drinking Water to 40 Million People. Do They Know What Utah Does to It Upstream?

I went to Mordor to find out.

US Groundwater Is Being Shipped Overseas

How Western states are selling off their aquifers to China and Gulf States.

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